Some Foods We Generally Forgot To Track

Some Foods We Generally Forgot To Track

PAPAD Papad is best for health when taken in regulated quantites. Just as too much of anything is harmful so applies to papad as well. Everyday fried or roasted items can be detrimental to your overall health. The proteins and fibers from papad can be benificial but on other hand, the high sodium content or…

Some Myths and Misconceptions About These Foods

Some Myths and Misconceptions About These Foods

These days as diet-conscious people are increasing we can find many articles that will focus on what to eat what not to. But most of them will confuse the people to determine which foods lead to better health. So here an article by our expert Dietitian Poonam Shah to clarify doubts and plan smarter dietary choices….

Pros and Cons of Ketogenic diet

Pros and Cons of Ketogenic diet

Keto involves a High-Fat, moderate protein and low-carb dietary approach. Here are a few Pros and Cons of the Keto diet. Ketogenic Diet — The Benefits and Risk Designed in 1924 by Dr. Russell Wilder at the Mayo Clinic, the Ketogenic Diet recommends a meal plan that includes high fat (up to 70-80%), moderate protein…

Immunity-Boosting Foods for Covid Prevention

Immunity-Boosting Foods for Covid Prevention

Immunity-Boosting Foods For Covid Prevention Protein-Rich Diet Adequate protein intake is required to prevent muscle loss and maintain metabolic functions. Vegetarians can include 2-3 servings/day of pulses, dal, soya, milk and milk products, nuts, and seeds. Also, besan, sattu, khichdi, peanut, paneer, curd and mushrooms are good options. Non-vegetarians can include all of these along…

12 Reasons Why You Should Exercise Regularly

12 Reasons Why You Should Exercise Regularly

“Why exercise? Why should I make fitness a part of my life?” Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in our country, often related to a sedentary lifestyle. Inactivity is a “silent killer”. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, there will be a decline in your body’s ability to function. Here are…

Some Healthier Facts

Some Healthier Facts

welcome to Facts The healthiest citrus fruit is the grapefruit. This fruit is not only rich in vitamins and minerals but also promotes healthy weight loss. In recent studies, grapefruit has also been found to reduce insulin levels and insulin resistance. Foods with folic acids help the body form red blood cells. Women who are…